My Proust Questionnaire

I became aware of the Proust questionnaire when I was reading some interviews with Anita Roddick. This entrepreneur used the questionnaire to select her employees and it probably also played a role in her becoming interested in her future husband. Perhaps such a questionnaire is actually a suitable instrument to take a look inside another person.

Here are my answers to all the questions:

Where would you like to live?
In a beautiful and quiet place by the water with internet access

What is perfect happiness for you?
A bike ride on a sunny day

Which errors are you most likely to excuse?
Those done for love

What is the biggest disaster for you?
Sickness and pain

Your favorite novel heroes?
Tyrion from ASOIAF, Harry Angstrom

Your favorite character in history?

Your favorite heroes in real life?
Paramedics, people who advocate for freedom of expression

Your favorite painter?
Edgar Degas, Quentin Blake

Your favorite author?
Many! Herbert Rosendorfer, Annie Proulx, John Updike, Nietzsche, Plato, Henning Mankell

Your favorite composer?
Johann Sebastian Bach

What qualities do you value most in a woman?
Good nature, sense of humor

What qualities do you value most in a man?
Generosity, patience

Your favorite virtue?

Your favorite activity?

Who or what would you have liked to be?
A Greek philosopher

Your main character trait?

What do your friends appreciate?

Your biggest mistake?
Thinking too much instead of acting

Your dream of happiness?
To make people happy with beautiful things

What would be your greatest misfortune?
Dropping dead instantly

What would you like to be?
An artist or craftsman

Your favourite color?
Sky blue

Your favorite flower?
Marsh marigold

Your favorite bird?

Your favorite writer?
The above. Or Hemingway

Your favorite poet?
Friedrich Rückert

Your reality heroes?
Everyone who works on open source projects in their free time

Your heroines in history?
Elizabeth I, Hildegard of Bingen

Your favorite names?
Walter, Caroline, Stefan, Julia

What do you despise the most?
Torturing others for entertainment purposes

What historical figures do you detest the most?
Torturers, mass murderers

Which reform do you admire the most?
The introduction of the rule of law

What natural gift would you like to possess?
Being able to speak engagingly

How would you like to die?
With the feeling of not leaving too much unfinished business behind

Your current state of mind?

Your motto?
If you want to step into infinity, take finite steps in all directions! (Goethe)

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